Karlie Thornton

5 artists, 1 canvas.

Towards the end of 2022 XBOX launched "Creating Play". A creative campaign that involved an art-inspired activation. We enlisted creators from each of XBOX'S global regions to produce visually interesting artwork using the Xbox Series S consoles as their canvas. 

In doing so, we celebrated the communal act of "play" and art communities around the world.

My Contributions


-Creative Consulting

-Talent Search

-Deck Design/Pitch

Episode One: Okey Ofomata
Using blurred strokes and characters poised for action, Okey imbued stunning movement in acrylic painted figures—capturing the act of play, on his Series S.
Episode Two: Minerva
It’s your beach, we’re just playing in it 🦜In a multi-step process, Minerva sketched Yucatanian birds onto wood, ultimately engraving, painting.
Episode Three: Ollie
We’re here for bringing Norwich to your XBOX. Ollie illustrated vignettes of his hometown: local foliage, Norwich castle, and a classically British cup of tea.
Episode Four: Mizpan
Mizpam made Manga friends we want to hang with using stunning, vivid color and an action-packed, playful design.
Episode Two: Luisa
Known for her iconic drips and brilliant use of light, Luisa’s take tricks the eye and bends the mind as two hands reach for each other.
Episode One: Okey Ofomata
Using blurred strokes and characters poised for action, Okey imbued stunning movement in acrylic painted figures—capturing the act of play, on his Series S.
Episode Two: Minerva
It’s your beach, we’re just playing in it 🦜In a multi-step process, Minerva sketched Yucatanian birds onto wood, ultimately engraving, painting.
Episode Three: Ollie
We’re here for bringing Norwich to your XBOX. Ollie illustrated vignettes of his hometown: local foliage, Norwich castle, and a classically British cup of tea.
Episode Four: Mizpan
Mizpam made Manga friends we want to hang with using stunning, vivid color and an action-packed, playful design.
Episode Two: Luisa
Known for her iconic drips and brilliant use of light, Luisa’s take tricks the eye and bends the mind as two hands reach for each other.
Episode One: Okey Ofomata
Using blurred strokes and characters poised for action, Okey imbued stunning movement in acrylic painted figures—capturing the act of play, on his Series S.
Episode Two: Minerva
It’s your beach, we’re just playing in it 🦜In a multi-step process, Minerva sketched Yucatanian birds onto wood, ultimately engraving, painting.
Episode Three: Ollie
We’re here for bringing Norwich to your XBOX. Ollie illustrated vignettes of his hometown: local foliage, Norwich castle, and a classically British cup of tea.
Episode Four: Mizpan
Mizpam made Manga friends we want to hang with using stunning, vivid color and an action-packed, playful design.
Episode Two: Luisa
Known for her iconic drips and brilliant use of light, Luisa’s take tricks the eye and bends the mind as two hands reach for each other.

Play = Community

These episodes gained nearly 500 million views total on TikTok and user engagement was at a high as community shared love for each of the creations, excited to see not only have inspiration for how to get creative with their own XBOX, but to see a company they love support artists of different backgrounds from all over the world. 

•    •    •


During my time at XBOX I was able to help lead strategy to inspire their creative department on brand-centered yet trend-forward digital content and helped increase diversity on their digital platforms by 70% to include BIPOC, disabled and LGBTQIA+ creators/gamers.

I also provided creative consulting helping to contribute to digital idea creation and provide constructive feedback towards the creative team's work. 

My job included working alongside Creative Directors and account managers at SuperDigital to pitch and speak with our clients XBOX and Microsoft about the work our team created and present strategy for future considerations and ideas for more content, experiential activations and  DE&I efforts.

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